Soccer 5s name change

13 Apr 2016 by Scott bonar

As you are aware Edina Hibs community Football club was born out of the club at the Jewel , the split was caused due to a massive difference in philosophy.
Years of hard work by many of us to try and attempt to create an environment where passing and moving football, developing technique , educating game knowledge which is placed over results , aggression , and intimidation was paramount . Unfortunately their was an incident involving a team from the Jewel last Saturday at Penicuik which we have become mistakenly accused of being involved in with us having basically the same name add this to Hibs in the community it’s becoming ridiculous.We as a club are very proud how our soccer 5 players and parents conduct themselves at games. Having built a excellent reputation over the years at soccer 4s we don’t want this tarnished or become embroiled in something that has nothing to do with us after years of hard work a lot of people have put in which is also breathing life into something that’s on its knees .
The club are proposing to name all soccer 5 teams from now on Portobello Youth Soccer Academy please if any parent is against this please don’t hesitate to contact us on 07863104344 to rise any concerns